- Abandon Ship (Knizia push-your-luck game with cute theme)
- A Brief History of the World (this is really probably a dark horse... but it's a splendid new re-imagining of the original game)
- Fresko (Queen - building frescoes game... looks very cool)
- Jäger und Sammler (Knizia collecting game from Amigo)
- Kamisado (abstract game now released by Huch & Friends)
- Mosaix (Schmidt)
- Power Grid Factory Manager
- Ra: The Dice Game (I'm torn whether I like this better than the original game or not)
- R-Oko (R-Eco released by Amigo)
- Small World (another dark horse, mainly because of theme)
- Snapshot (Rudiger Dorn flicking game in a box from Kosmos)
- Seeland (Kramer game from Ravensburger, comes w/multiple ways to play/levels of difficulty)
- Tobago (beautiful deduction game that's weighted for families rather than gamers)
- Burg der 1000 Spiegel (a memory game from Kosmos that uses mirrors inside the box)
- Diego Drachezahn (Haba makes a racing game out of marble bowling - I think?!)
- Nelly (another entry from Queen in the same line/box size as Enuk)
- Gelini Nightlife (while technically not a kids game, the artwork is likely to throw it into this category - it works VERY well with kids, btw)
- Heckmeck Junior (Zoch simplifies this great dice game about BBQ worms... the original game is known in the U.S. as Pickomino)
- Kraken-Alaram (a dexterity + memory game from Kosmos)
- Larry Lasso (Selecta now has us lassoing wooden pieces to score points... excellent)
- Minotaurus (the best received entry from the new Lego games line... I'd be surprised if at least one of them wasn't mentioned)
- Schatz der Kobold (from Drei Magier Spiele - it's got a weird crystal doodad that is almost enough to convince me to buy the game without a review)
- Schatz der Mumie (a small memory-based game from Haba that's received very positive reviews)
- Vampire der Nacht (Drei Magier Spiele's follow-up to the very popular Nacht der Magier)
BTW, we almost always forget here in the U.S. the influence of the stuff we won't see until the voting is pretty much done (the Spring releases)...