Game | percentage gain from 2004 |
For Sale | +23.54% |
Around the World in 80 Days (Kosmos) | +12.32% |
Jambo | +10.91% |
Fairy Tale | +10.71% |
Samurai | +8.79% |
Niagara | +8.18% |
Schotten-Totten/Battleline | +6.97% |
Blokus | +6.87% |
Titan: The Arena/Colossal Arena | +4.55% |
Reef Encounter | +4.14% |
Boggle | +4.04% |
Hamsterrolle | +4.04% |
RoboRally | +3.94% |
Torres | +3.54% |
Settlers of Catan | +3.43% |
- They were reprinted this year (For Sale, Fairy Tale, Titan the Arena, RoboRally, Torres, Reef Encounter, Battleline)
- They were "Essen" games... they were released late in 2003 in Germany and were only played 5+ times by a couple of folks in 2003 (Around the World in 80 Days, Jambo, Niagara, Reef Encounter)
The interesting games here are the ones that can not be explained by these reasons:
- Why the sudden interest in Samurai? (Great game, btw...)
- Settlers of Catan is just reclaiming some ground - it's been a solid contender on the Five & Dime lists since I started collecting them. It's also probably affected by the larger sample of gamers this year.)
- Blokus is growing in popularity each year - is this a "classic" in the making?
- Where in the heck did Boggle & Hamsterrolle come from?! (Again, both great games.)
"Samurai" came back into print from RGG after being unavailable for a while. "Hamsterrolle" became availble in the U.S. through Rio Grande. I suspect that is why both increased in popularity this past year.