Thursday, October 12, 2006

We Scored!

I'm coaching Braeden's under 6 soccer team this year... which has been a lot of fun (all except the twice a week practices, which seems a bit nutty with 4 & 5 year olds.)

We don't keep track of who wins the games - well, officially, but you can ask any of my team members (or their parents!) and they know that we won our first two games & lost last week. I'm just happy they've figured out (for the most part) to listen to their coach, kick the ball in the right direction, and play hard.

That doesn't stop the 7 boys & Drea (our only girl & best goalie) from having a grand time - as shown in this picture from their first game. Braeden is celebrating with his buddy, Canaan.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:52 AM


    How interesting the names people give their children. I like the Biblical references. Canaan. Wow. That is cool.
