Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Our Librarian, Desmond R.G. Underwood- Frederick IV

Collin is "getting in touch with his feminine side". Next thing you know, he'll start "playing Cabbage Patch dolls with his inner child." (Anybody know the reference?!) Yes, we LOVE it when he does clears the shelves of books. Sigh.

Note: we do not recommend the book Collin is reading - it's kind of legalistic & a bit soul-deadening. The fact that a book is in our library does not indicate that we think everyone (heck, anyone!) should read it.


  1. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Steve Taylor has a great rendition of Walking in a Winter Wonderland, too.

  2. "Happy Birthday, Hay Zoose!"

    Well done, Jason. You can now officially join the Clone Club & support Steve's aging Honda.

  3. Anonymous2:24 PM

    That is an honor far to great to bestow on me...
