Sunday, January 14, 2007

Random Gaming Thoughts

I'm not sure I'm really allowed to call these "random" - as they're all about gaming, which would indicate some kind of non-randomness - but I couldn't think of a better title for the post "on the fly", so we're stuck with it.

Or, well, you're stuck with it.
  • My gaming group here in Fresno (aptly named - wait for it - The Fresno Gamers) is growing again. After some attrition over the last year or so (due to real life interfering with gaming - sigh), we've added four new folks in two months. (Want to join us? Check out our group site.)
  • With new folks added, that means - oddly enough - OLD games. We've been playing some of the "classics" lately, which is just fine with me. (Any night I get to play Big City & Fast Food Franchise is primo gaming time for me - and a Battlelore scenario was just a cherry on top of that.)
  • Thanks to a sale at JC Penney ($9 for Pizza Box Football as they're remaindering out the extras for Christmas), it looks like we may form a mini-league here as well. Hopefully, my streak of bad luck (I'm 0-4 against Richard) will come to end in league play... but probably not.
  • I have BIG questions about the new system for moderating posts & threads at the Geek... it's one of those "in a perfect world, this would be a great idea" kind of things. However, we don't live in a perfect world, and allowing the masses to vote "thumbs up or down" smacks a bit of the Roman gladiator arenas. (Look, I think Aldie & Derk are some of the coolest guys on the planet, and I'm a longtime supporter of BoardGameGeek- I just don't like what's going on with this particular element.)
  • I did a Top Ten list for The Dice Tower podcast... but managed to have such immense uploading problems (e-mail crashed, FTP sites that wouldn't work, etc.) that I didn't get it in to Tom in time. However, once the deadline was past (of course!), FTP worked just fine. (Sigh.) So, listen for the "Top Ten Kid's Games You've Probably Never Played" coming soon!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:03 AM

    I've been hoping you'd post a random gaming thoughts post so I could share this random gaming brag. How blessed am I? I recently picked up the $10 Nexus Ops at the Amazon sale. Thanks to some snow days (no church, no school) I've got some plays in with my 6-year-old daughter (7 next month) who likes to tell the man at the game store, "I play 10's." She loves the game and really only needs help with the card reading. During the course of a battle she will turn off the lights and shine her littel black light pen on the monsters. She even beat me recently during at a 10-point game. I swear, when she's ready for Battle Lore I'm going to home school her.
