Friday, June 29, 2007

43 + 2/365

My birthday was Wednesday... and the Under 30's small group at our church came over after Vacation Bible School to hang out, eat, & play our favorite board game, Smarty Party.

Thanks to Mr. Bo (hi, Jim!), my birthday cake was... well, you can see it in the picture. The icing on the cake for the evening? My team (go, Morgan!) won Smarty Party by 10+ spaces - sweet.


  1. Happy birthday, man!

    Strange to realize we're this old isn't it?

    Hope you had a good one.


  2. Anonymous4:59 PM

    I just want to give props to Joann at Cakes by Joann for making my crazy request at such short notice. Mark, if you did not catch on, she is the friend that did not believe there was a game with a set of rubber pants in it.
