Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Shaky Line Falling Away

6 years ago today, Shari & I woke up to the phone ringing... a friend called to tell us that planes had slammed into the World Trade Center.

Honestly, my response was to dismiss this as rumor & hype - but we went downstairs & turned the TV on... just a few minutes after the 2nd plane hit the WTC. For the next 16-18 hours, we left the TV on, keeping Braeden (who was just a few months old) in another room so we wouldn't feed those images of horror to him.

Today, I read a blog post from a reporter (which I found, thanks to GetReligion) that captures so much of what that day felt like: Graphing the end of a world.

A prayer for today:

Jesus, it still brings tears to my eyes to think about the suffering & horror of that day... watching bodies fall, then the towers themselves. Waiting & hoping for people to be found alive - and so few stories like that. God, I know You were there and that You are here - but that's more intellectual than emotional.

And yet, as I look back, I see Your reflection in people who gave their lives, their bodies, their time & their energy to rescue, to search, to comfort & to support. I am amazed that the casualty were wrong by so much - that so many people didn't end up in the smoking piles of rubble.

Help me never forget so short life can be... and how good You are, even in the midst of tragedy.

in Your Holy name,


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