Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Five & Dime 2007: Lo, How The Mighty Have Fallen

These are games that have appeared on the Five & Dime lists before... and have fallen in overall playing percentages.
Gamepercentage loss from 2006
Thurn and Taxis-20.61%
Ticket to Ride - Märklin-18.25%
10 Days/Europa Tour-12.75%
Hey! That's My Fish/Pingvinas-11.21%
That's Life-10.49%
Liar's Dice/Bluff/Perudo-9.15%
Take 6-8.85%
Ticket to Ride: Europe-8.51%
Loopin' Louie-8.44%
Ingenious/Einfach Genial(Kosmos)-8.33%
Web of Power/China-7.76%
Cleopatra & the Society of Architects-7.46%
Power Grid/Funkenschlag-7.37%
Settlers of Catan-7.01%

Note that some of these games are still highly rated on the overall and/or five/dime lists... with the substantially larger sampling group, high percentages that used to be common to the top games (60%+) have completely disappeared. So, Thurn & Taxis and Ingenious can all take pretty big hits in number of players... and still end up highly ranked.

Once again, this is the list I'm most accurate at predicting: I called the top three games to appear here. (Caylus, Thurn & Taxis and TtR: Marklin.)

Ingneious & Liar's Diceappearing here was primarily a function of the generally lower scores - while some of the other games (That's Life, the Ticket to Ride games) seem to have genuinely dropped in the number of people playing them. (

Predictions: Notre Dame will top this list next year... also appearing will be Battlelore, Yspahan & San Juan. (I'm not sure about Zooloretto...)

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