Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Post #600: "Blasts from the Past"

Here's Liz & I back in 1971... I'm seven years old (the same age as Braeden). Clearly, his mother dresses him better than mine did. :-)

And here I am showing my incredible athletic prowess back in 1967... I'm three years old (the same age as Collin.)


  1. Hey Mark! I think your retro duds are very cool! Your mom was very stylish for her time. :) Those are great pictures of you and Liz. How fun!

  2. Actually, I was thinking it looked like a photo right out of the Sears Big Book. :-)

  3. Margaret - thanks for the kind words.

    Lorrell - that's probably where mom bought them... I wore Toughskins for a long, long time.
