- designer: Lund & Company
- publisher: Milton Bradley
- date: 1986
- BoardGameGeek rank/rating: 1540/6.34
- age: 7+
- # of players: 2-4
- print status: very OOP!
- cost: eBay - this is a recent link for a couple of complete copies of the game ($170.00 +) as well as missing pieces. If you want a complete copy, plan to pay through the nose for it. (I guess this is probably not the best time to tell you I picked up my almost complete copy for $2.00 at a thrift store.) :-)
Well, this is gonna be the first of the Kid Games 100 to have a YouTube video embedded in it...
Why the crazy Fireball Island love? (There are a plethora of fan sites - as well as numerous variant rulesets and even one lovable nutjob who "pimped" his copy and is proudly displaying the results on BoardGameGeek.) I have some theories:
- it's an Indiana Jones kind of game... and people love the whole "Raiders of the Lost Ark" vibe
- the big molded plastic board, which just looks cool
- the big molded plastic board, which was easily destroyed and therefore made the game a lot more difficult to find (and thus, in geek life, cooler)
- people like knocking over each other's figures with marbles
- it's actually a lot of fun to play
- Players are adventurers who want to liberate (aka steal) the big ol' ruby from the island
- Players also control the fireballs (aka Hot Lava Death!) that knock other players silly
- There are little plastic bridges as well as caves on the island
- It's pretty much a race to grab the jewel, keep it away from the other players, and reach the boat (end of the track) with it
The worst part about this one is that I vividly rememebr playing this one when I was a kid and us selling it a garage sale for probably a buck. Doh!