Thursday, October 02, 2008

Porn-Again Christian

Over the next month or so, re:Lit is releasing Mark Driscoll's new book, Porn-Again Christian, over the Web, chapter by chapter. What he's written so far (the introduction & chapter one) is conservative theologically but brutally honest.

Seriously - I can't emphasize enough how much I appreciate Mark's willingness to use rough humor & bracing authenticity to communicate Biblical truth. This is NOT for the faint of heart.

Discussion about this stuff is always welcome here - I'd actually rather talk about sex over politics. (Yes, I'm not your typical pastor.)

1 comment:

  1. I've heard it said that sometimes a Christian's hardest job is to get society to see some sinful acts as deplorable, when they're used to seeing them as acceptable. It's an unpopular duty for many of us, yet some of us go at it with an arrogant self-righteousness that isn't any more Christlike than a muddy shoe. He has taken on a delicate task, to brush away a fog that we like to be lost in, and I don't know this guy from a can of paint, but I think he's up to the challenge.
