Game | percentage loss from 2007 |
Yspahan | -18.50% |
BattleLore | -14.27% |
Hey! That's My Fish/Pingvinas | -14.23% |
Notre Dame | -12.86% |
Carcassonne | -11.34% |
Ra | -10.45% |
No Thanks/Geschenkt | -9.52% |
Blue Moon City | -9.15% |
Coloretto | -9.06% |
Thurn and Taxis | -8.39% |
Taluva | -7.85% |
To Court A King | -7.83% |
Ingenious/Einfach Genial | -7.70% |
Bohnanza | -7.49% |
For Sale | -7.45% |
Everything including the kitchen sink... but with special attention paid to board games, Jesus Christ, my family, being a "professional" (and I use that word loosely) Christian, and the random firing of the 10% of the synapses I'm currently using.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Five & Dime 2008: Lo, How The Mighty Have Fallen
These are games that have appeared on the Five & Dime lists before... and have fallen in overall playing percentages.
Once again, this is the list I'm most accurate at predicting: I called the two of the top three games to appear here. (Yspahan & Battlelore). I thought Notre Dame would be #1 (which it wasn't) but I was close. OTOH, I thought San Juan would be here (it missed the list by ONE position) and I couldn't have predicted that my personal dislike of Hey! That's My Fish would finally start to spread.
Predictions: Agricola will be here next year (in the #1 spot), as will Stone Age, In The Year of the Dragon & Hanging Gardens.
You know, I was sure that Hanging Gardens would disappear quickly for me - but now I'm not so sure. After cooling on the game for a while, I'm warming up to it again. The fact that it's good with 2 or 3 is a big plus, and it's a _very_ pleasant game.
ReplyDeleteNone of which suggests that it won't generally fall off - I agree entirely with your conclusion. I'm just not nearly as convinced that it will drop from _my_ play list.
Complete aside: Mark, if you haven't already, you should try Keltis: Der Weg der Steine (basically, Keltis the tile game - part of the MitbringSpiel line).
Yeah, Joe, I understand about the difference between games dropping off THESE lists that don't drop off my own (see: Memoir '44 & Heroscape).
ReplyDeleteI want to try all of the Keltis goodies... but that would require more contact with Gathering-ish folks, which I don't have much of right now.