Thursday, October 27, 2011

Kid Game Review: Hit the Throttle

Hit The Throttle
  • designer: Wolfgang Dirscherl
  • publisher: Haba
  • date: 2010
  • BoardGameGeek rank/rating: not ranked/6.00
  • age: 4+
  • # of players: 2-5
  • print status: in print
  • cost: $10.88 (
Over the years, I've heard Haba's Monza touted as a great introductory racing games for young kids... and I've even personally praised the game as "a great introduction to proper sequencing for young gamers"... but I think it's time for Monza to let another Haba game pass.

That would be Hit the Throttle (not to be mistaken with the great Haba puzzle card game, At Full Throttle). While it's a simple roll'n'move, it's tons of fun for young players, has some simple decisions, and is mercifully short so that parents and older siblings can dive in as well.

Each player is given a secret card at the beginning of the race showing two of the six colored cars - the cars they now will work to get to the end of the race track. On your turn, you roll three color dice and pick one of them, moving that color car one space forward. You then set that dice aside and roll the remaining two dice, picking one of them & moving the respective car. Finally, you roll the last die and move the car indicated. When both of your cars cross the finish line (even if it isn't your turn), you flip your card over & declare your victory!

So, with a game that simple, why do I like it?
  • it's extremely accessible for young players - no number skills are required (just color matching)
  • races are close - we haven't seen a blowout yet
  • the pieces are chunky wooden cars on a colorful track
  • every kid who has played it (including my ten year old son) wanted to play it again
When we talk about "teaching our kids how to play games", Hit the Throttle is an excellent choice for ages 4-5... and the small box footprint would make it an excellent stocking stuffer.


  1. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Thanks Mark, couldn't agree more!

  2. And although this may sound surprising, your children may actually like sitting down with you for an hour or two. And usually the most fun will come from a family board game.
