Wednesday, April 04, 2012

#66: Medici (Mark's 100 - 2012)


Mark's Ranking
  • 2012: 66th
  • 2010: 33rd
  • 2005: 79th
  • appeared on all three lists


  • rank: 230
  • rating: 7.18

Print Status

  • in print

Why It's On The List

  • Despite one bad graphic design scheme after another, this 17 year old auction game still manages to please - by creating an environment where players must not only appropriately value items for themselves but also figure out what they're worth to others.

Tips & Tricks:

    • Groupthink is always an issue with games like this - just like the value of a Jester in The Princes of Florence, groups settle in on "accepted" values for the gold treasure card in Medici. Try playing with a new group of people & see how a different group changes the dynamics of the game.
    • Though it has components for 6 players, I prefer it with 4 or 5.



    1. Have you played Strozzi, Mark? After playing that a few times, I've realized I'll never need to play Medici again. Ever.

    2. I have played Strozzi - but I inevitably think to myself while playing it: "This is a good game - but I'd rather be playing Medici."

    3. Agreed. Strozzi is nice, but it's nowhere near as good as Medici (which I prefer to play with 6).

      My favorite of the series, however, is Medici vs. Strozzi, which is one of the most intense 2-player games there are. It's a brilliant exercise in valuation and judgment. However, I realize it is by no means for everyone.
