Thursday, May 31, 2012

Summer Plans

So, I've got a busy summer ahead... 
  • my eldest son turns 11 next Tuesday (wow - where did the time go?!)
  • he & I leave for CentriKid camp less than a week after that
  • my wife & I celebrate our 22nd wedding anniversary on June 16th
  • the church I pastor will host our annual Vacation Bible School starting the day after Father's Day
  • I reach the 48 year milestone at the end of June
  • the boys have daily swim lessons in June & July
  • my youngest son has a speech class for six weeks
  • we've got a camping trip in the planning stages for late July/early August
  • the boys have earned tickets to Six Flags Discovery Kingdom which we need to use before the summer is over
  • our homeschool year starts in early/mid-August
  • and NewLife's yearly Family Camp is Labor Day weekend
That doesn't count, of course, being a dad & a husband & a pastor & a regular host of a gaming group.

Or writing this blog... which is really where I was headed with this post. This summer, I'll be attempting to:
  • finish Mark's Top 100 Games (I got to #50 just as I left for the Gathering of Friends)
  •  write up my Gathering of Friends experience
  • do some serious ruminating about chronological snobbery, sex, and Pierce Pettis so aptly called "unoriginal sin"
  • revisit some classic older posts that need updating - most importantly, Heroscape for Beginners
  • add a couple of new posts to my series on paying attention to the man behind the curtain - in other words, your pastor
  • writing some more game reviews - including Abaddon, Dragon Valley, The Rivals for Catan: Age of Darkness, and others
Here's hoping I get some of that done!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That is certainly a full plate. Thanks for reminding me that I need to plan a couple of trips - camping, to the mtns to visit my dad, Busch Gardens Williamsburg (new coaster!), and beach. Our homeschool year isn't ending this year. We got a bit behind and need to do some catch-up/shoring up of some skills. And it looks like I will be teaching two nights a week from mid-July until mid-November. And the dad/husband/gamer stuff.
    BTW, 48 has been good so far.

  3. I'm looking forward to the rest of your latest top 100. I keep dropping by to see if you've resumed.

    The first half prompted me to dig out a couple of the games mentioned as I need to get reacquainted with them.

  4. Your wish is my command, Garry - Mark's 100 restarts today.
