It's now officially on the Rio Grande website, so I can tell you that my buddy, Stephen Glenn (designer of both Balloon Cup/Pinata AND 1st & Goal - games I love, as well as my compadre on the 100 Great Games currently being broadcast via the BoardgamesToGo podcast) has what sounds like a nifty game coming out in the hopefully not-too-distant future. It's called Rattlebones - no, there's not a BGG entry yet - and here's the blurb from the RGG website:
Rattlebones is a dice-building game. During the game, players build customizable dice (instead of building a customizable deck as in deck-building games like Dominion). Their goal is to create the best set of dice to score victory and win the game.I can't wait!
Still no release date yet. I am not a robot.