Friday, May 17, 2024

#24: Flowerpower (Mark's Top 100 2024)


  • rank: 4,595
  • rating: 6.6
  • published: 2001
  • designers: Angelika Fassauer & Peter Haluszka
Print Status
  • way out of print
Why It's On The List
  • Despite an off-putting box cover, this is a tremendous two-player game of building gardens that can be played "friendly" or "cutthroat"... and enjoyed both ways.
Tips & Tricks:
  • You must use the "community garden" area wisely - ignoring it will simply allow your opponent more space to plant with.
  • Wait to use your "weeds" (you only have three of them) until your opponent has filled up enough of his side of the board to make them painful.
  • Pay attention to how much space you'll need to get a flower bed to the next point level - there's no use making a bed of five flowers when they're worth the same as a bed of three flowers.
  • This is a game that begs for a reprint... preferably using the GeekBits concept.
  • Here's what I wrote about Flowerpower for Game Central Station (my old website)

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