Everything including the kitchen sink... but with special attention paid to board games, Jesus Christ, my family, being a "professional" (and I use that word loosely) Christian, and the random firing of the 10% of the synapses I'm currently using.
Monday, August 06, 2007
Open Mic
In August, I'm going to doing a message series at my church called "Open Mic" - essentially, I'm opening the floor for questions & letting people ask about what's really on their heart: stuff they're afraid of, things they've always wondered about Christianity, how our church works, doctrinal dilemnas, silly things, whatever... One of the ways I'm opening up for people to do that anonymously is through this blog. If you'd like to ask a question, all you need to do is hit the link "comments" below (it may have a number in front of it - don't worry about that). Then type your question into the box, click the "anonymous" button, input the spamcatcher word (sorry!), and click "publish". For those of you who read the blog & would like to ask questions (but aren't a resident of the Fresno area), I'm happy to take your questions, but I'd really like you to let me know you don't live in Fresno. I want to give priority to the folks who are likely to attend these services. Start typing!
UPDATE (Monday, July 30): The questions are trickling in... and you're welcome to add to the list. So far, I'm going to end up talking about priorities, sex, dinosaurs, & the 7 deadly sins, just to name a few.
UPDATE (Monday, August 6): A big batch of questions just came in (you can read them in the comments) and you're still welcome to add your questions to the pile. I'm really looking forward to this...
Mark, How about some wisdom on balancing priorities. God, Work, Church, Family. Quiet time with God is important, but putting food on the table for your family can get in the way of that. And then time for church commitments can get in the way of work and family. And yet, at least I feel, that all of these could be a number one priority. I don't know if I am asking for spiritual or time management advice, but what are your thoughts?
I watched the movie "7" last night about the seven deadly sins, what is the Historical basis of them and How do they line up with what the Bible teaches?
Those are two excellent questions. Mark, sounds like you are going to have a fun time answering some profound topics.
I'm not in Fresno, but if I were, I would ask something along the same lines as the priorities question...except that my question would be something closer to, how should we as Christians have different priorities than the world? Should we have different priorities in how much time we spend watching tv, or in the kind of movies that we choose to go see? Should we just different priorities in how we spend our free time? Paul tells us that we should be in the world but not of the world...what exactly does that look like?
I think about this question a lot, and I'm still not sure I have a good answer to it.
This actually comes from a John Ortberg joke I like to tell about ministry with young adults... he's said that you can pretty much stick to 3 topics with 18-30 year olds: 1. Sex 2. the End Times 3. Will there be sex in the end times?
I'm from Fresno but, as much as I'd like to, I probably can't make it down to Easton to hear you speak on Sunday so answer it if you don't wish.
Does Christian salvation depend on luck? That is to say, being in the right place at the right time AND dying prior to losing one's faith.
My boss finds this to be a hang up. He claims to have once believed but no longer. I've talked about "belief in vain" that Paul throws in there but it doesn't seem to really hit home.
So, does He use what He knows ahead of time - this person is not going to choose Him - or does He just randomly harden hearts to fit His plan? Did Pharaoh have a chance to choose?
We, His children, are chosen before we are even born. I realize I still have a choice - but what about those that aren't His chosen? Can they choose?
follower of Jesus, husband, father, "pastor", boardgamer, writer, Legomaniac, Disneyphile, voted most likely to have the same Christmas wish list at age 58 as he did at age 8
How about some wisdom on balancing priorities. God, Work, Church, Family. Quiet time with God is important, but putting food on the table for your family can get in the way of that. And then time for church commitments can get in the way of work and family. And yet, at least I feel, that all of these could be a number one priority. I don't know if I am asking for spiritual or time management advice, but what are your thoughts?
I watched the movie "7" last night about the seven deadly sins, what is the Historical basis of them and How do they line up with what the Bible teaches?
Those are two excellent questions. Mark, sounds like you are going to have a fun time answering some profound topics.
I'm not in Fresno, but if I were, I would ask something along the same lines as the priorities question...except that my question would be something closer to, how should we as Christians have different priorities than the world? Should we have different priorities in how much time we spend watching tv, or in the kind of movies that we choose to go see? Should we just different priorities in how we spend our free time? Paul tells us that we should be in the world but not of the world...what exactly does that look like?
I think about this question a lot, and I'm still not sure I have a good answer to it.
How do I tell a Catholic that the Pope is wrong about his religion being the only true religion?
Is there sex in the end times?
"Is there sex in the end times?"
This actually comes from a John Ortberg joke I like to tell about ministry with young adults... he's said that you can pretty much stick to 3 topics with 18-30 year olds:
1. Sex
2. the End Times
3. Will there be sex in the end times?
Not quite as exciting as Sex in the end times, but are there Hostess Twinkies and other wonderfully fattening things in Heaven
Where do dinosaurs fit into the Bible?
How can I explain that to someone who asks me the same question?
I'm from Fresno but, as much as I'd like to, I probably can't make it down to Easton to hear you speak on Sunday so answer it if you don't wish.
Does Christian salvation depend on luck? That is to say, being in the right place at the right time AND dying prior to losing one's faith.
My boss finds this to be a hang up. He claims to have once believed but no longer. I've talked about "belief in vain" that Paul throws in there but it doesn't seem to really hit home.
oops, "answer it if you wish."
Why can't we sing some of the old gospels out of the hymn book?
When & do you ever serve communion? (the bread & wine?)
If you do, what does the bread & wine symbolize?
How were the prophets different than fortune tellers today?
Should we be fasting?
Are there different levels in heaven?
Why is there Bibles?
What made you decide to go into ministry?
Why doesn't God just destroy the Devil right now?
Why did God allow the Devil to exist in the first place?
Do the authors of the Old Testament have political agendas?
Is every word or scenario of the Bible true? (without exaggeration)
Who first put the Bible together & when?
How does Revelation relate to the Old Testament prophecies?
What parts of the Book of Revelation have already taken place and which are yet to take place?
Will we live forever in heaven or here on Earth in the new millenium kingdom?
Why did God create us with free will if He knew we would sin & taint His perfect world?
Under what conditions can a believer not tell the truth... or if ever?
"God decides who he is going to harden..."
So, does He use what He knows ahead of time - this person is not going to choose Him - or does He just randomly harden hearts to fit His plan? Did Pharaoh have a chance to choose?
We, His children, are chosen before we are even born. I realize I still have a choice - but what about those that aren't His chosen? Can they choose?
You know, free will...
When is it appropriate or required of us to point out when we believe another believer is sinning or stepping in the wrong direction?
Explain the line between being judgemental & warning a believer of sin.
Does God have someone for everyone? (A soulmate, so to speak?)
Why does our church have a membership?
Calvinism or Armenianism?
I'm not "Jr High"... or "High School"... or "Under 30"... and I don't feel like an "Adult"... is there something for an inbetweener? 30's? 40's?
Why does God let bad things happen to us?
Why can I sometimes hear & feel God then there are times when I can't?
How do I tell my friends about Christ in "the new world slang" when they take church as just singing & just a "sunday thing"?
I heard this saying: all kids go to heaven. Why or why not?
what will our relationships with other be like in heaven? Will we know others as we did on earth? (i.e. husbands & wives)
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