Everything including the kitchen sink... but with special attention paid to board games, Jesus Christ, my family, being a "professional" (and I use that word loosely) Christian, and the random firing of the 10% of the synapses I'm currently using.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Stocking Stuffers & Party Games
My friend & one-time game convention roomie, Eric Burgess, has a nifty podcast about boardgaming entitled, aptly enough, Boardgame Babylon. (Get it? "Babble on." He's a card, that Eric Burgess.) We keep talking about me being a guest on the show, but I think he's too busy hobnobbing with game designers to give me the time of day. (The preceding sentence is a joke - Eric is a really nice guy!)His latest podcast is about stocking stuffers & party games... I just wanted to make comments on the podcast & point you in his direction:
I really, really am tempted to buy Small World in order to buy the expansions... I have a serious expansion fever problem.
I'm curious - for those of us who are not fans of Ticket to Ride: Europe (but love the original game), is the 1912 expansion worth the money?
Didn't know that Trendy had been reprinted as Horse Fair... you should go buy this game immediately.
I'll 2nd & 3rd Eric's suggestion of Wits & Wagers (and Say Anything!) as great party games.
Eric mentioned Ring-O Flamingo... I'll be doing a review of the game later this weekend. Short preview: my review is positive.
Finally, where we disagree: Monopoly is NOT tedious unless the players make it that way.
follower of Jesus, husband, father, "pastor", boardgamer, writer, Legomaniac, Disneyphile, voted most likely to have the same Christmas wish list at age 58 as he did at age 8
And Horse Fair comes with little plastic horses... I don't believe that Trendy comes with little plastic mannequins :-)
No, Muhammad, it's not really an interesting post... it's an ad. That's why I deleted it.
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