Tuesday, June 04, 2024

#6: Fast Food Franchise (Mark's Top 100 2024)

Fast Food Franchise
  • rank: 7,267
  • rating: 6.3
  • published: 1992
  • designer: Tom Lehmann
Print Status
  • really out of print
Why It's On The List
  • Imagine if the designer of Race for the Galaxy decided to take making a roll'n'move that both gamers & non-gamers could love... that combined some very Monopoly-ish elements with tactical board play. And then you can wake up & play it, because this is actually Tom Lehmann's first game design!
Tips & Tricks:
  • Despite initial appearances, all of the companies are viable options for strategies to win Fast Food Franchise. (Some require you to open a second company - particularly those that grow quickly but don't generate cash from other players.)
  • That said, you must watch your cash flow - relative both to your own building needs and the increasing costs of paying your competitors.
  • Rookie mistake? Not advertising.
  • There are two expansions that exist (note: I don't use the word "available"): 2 more companies (Tacos Today & Noodles to Go)... and a set of old skool fast food worker hats for each of the companies.
  • Fast Food Franchise was one of the 138 Games to Play Before You Die over on the Opinionated Gamers website.
  • Here's what I wrote about the game for The One Hundred.
  • I talked with Tom a few years back about the chances of this getting reprinted... he is continuing to try to make that happen, which will make a number of my friends very happy. (But don't hold your breath.)
  • This is the sixth of seven (7!) games designed by Tom Lehmann on this countdown.

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