Sunday, June 02, 2024

#8: Xia: Legends of a Drift System (Mark's Top 100 2024)

Xia: Legends of a Drift System
    • rank: 178
    • rating: 7.9
    • published: 2014 
    • designer: Cody MIller
    Print Status
    • in print (off and on)
    Why It's On The List
    • This is truly a sandbox game with epic scope - I liken it to FFG's Outer Rim but without any guardrails. Fantastic production values added to gameplay that encourages creating swashbuckling stories makes this one of the best pandemic purchases I made.
    Tips & Tricks:
    • Note: all but a couple of my plays of Xia has been solo - so take this as a strong recommendation for solo play. (Many have noted that the game slows way down with more than 3 players, which seems obvious.)
    • This is an adventure game with a lot of moving parts... strategies that work in one game will not necessarily go as well when the map lays out differently. 
    • Stop and smell the roses - there is a lot of wonderful color text and background story buried in the game. Since it is very much an experience game, enjoy it!
    • The sprawling space opera nature of the game reminds me (in a good way!) of my one online-moderated play of Star Saga: One.
    • The solo campaign system is excellent - but it's not short. Ten games in, I've only accomplished five of the ten objectives... but my overall campaign score is positive!
    • With games like this, more is more. Embers of a Forsaken Star is an essential expansion (particularly if you want to play solo).
    • The Missions and Powers expansion is also great... but not quite as necessary. (Still glad I own it.)
    • Because it's from a very niche company, the game goes in and out of print. Keep your eyes open - I found my complete copy via the BGG Marketplace.
    • Please continue praying for the family of the designer, Cody Miller. As he's shared as a part of the Arydia: The Paths We Dare Tread Kickstarter, his son is undergoing treatment for cancer.

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