Friday, February 18, 2022

#82: Traumfabrik / Hollywood Blockbuster / Dream Factory (Mark's Top 100 2022)

Traumfabrik / Hollywood Blockbuster / Dream Factory

  • rank: 826
  • rating: 7.0
  • published: 2000
Print Status
  • out of print... again
Why It's On The List
  • I'm still kicking myself for not buying the original German version (Traumfabrik) which featured real film names and real film stars of the past... but regardless of what wrapper you put it in, this closed economy bidding game is just the right amount of tense and enjoyable - thanks in part to the elements of randomness that lighten the design.
Tips & Tricks:
    • It's usually worth trying to quickly finish one film with same spectacular quality as Ed Wood's Plan 9 From Outer Space... though, if everyone is doing it, zig while everyone else zags.
    • Contracts have value at the end of the game... so make sure that whatever you're buying is worth what you're spending.
    • I like to get one or two "stars" early so I can have a decent pick at the parties.
    • It's an auction game - it's flat out bidding malpractice to not goose someone into bidding just a little bit higher than they originally intended.
    • There's a clear hierarchy of the various printings - Traumfabrik is the best of the bunch, followed by Dream Factory... and then it's a long drop off to Hollywood Blockbuster. (The picture above is Dream Factory.)
    • This is the second of seven (7!) Reiner Knizia game designs on my top 100 list.

    1 comment:

    Rob Cannon said...

    You can still get Hollywood: Golden Age, which is a recent print where the rules are in Spanish, but everything else is in English. It nicer in some ways than my copy of Traumfabrik, but Traumfabrik still has the real studio names instead of Studio 1, 2, etc...