Thursday, June 04, 2009

Brave Arrow Rocks

First, the Aquilla faction needed more warriors... and giving them this guy (as well as his tribe, the Mohicans) is seriously cool.

Second, Concealment could be the coolest power ever for objective-based scenarios. (Yes, I'm saying "cool" a lot - if I'm not careful, I could start burbling about it being "wicked sweet" and tell you that I'm "totally stoked" about it. Sorry.)

For those of you who don't know what I'm babbling about:

For those of you who are "in the know", the aforementioned site has preview pix of all the Wave 9 figs: dwarves (squad & hero), gladiators (who bond to Spartacus!), a good (Jandar) ninja, good (Omicron) robots, more Marro (squad & hero), and some Ullar Kyrie (squad & hero).

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