- 10/23/03 - iMac Airport Cards & Linksys Wireless Routers
- 3/13/05 - Forward, Christian Soldiers
- 4/5/05 - Bananarama
- 4/21/05 - The Last Juror
- 5/2/05 - Google Me
- 6/2/05 - Dig Hay Zoose
- 6/23/05 - Boy Gets Stuck In Wal-Mart Toy Machine
- 8/17/05 - It's Not My Yob, Man
- 9/29/05 - Lovely Rita, Meter Maid
- 10/05/05 - The Tale of The Pig (And How His Influence Still Touches My Life)
- 11/08/05 - The Far Side of Evangelism
- 11/30/05 - My Brain's Still At DFW
- 1/12/06 - Unpacking The Baggage
- 2/21/06 - Broken Glass
- 3/4/06 - Truth or Fiction, Part One
- 3/9/06 - Truth or Fiction, Part Two
- 4/20/06 - 100 Years Ago
- 4/27/06 - 9 Years Ago
- 7/09/06 - Richard Niebuhr, John Travolta & Martin Luther King
- 7/12/06 - Not Exactly Summer Reading Material
- 8/10/06 - Level
- 9/5/06 - I Don't Want To Be Some Kind of Nutjob
- 9/30/07 - Not Always A Good Thing
- 10/16/07 - Mission-y-ness
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Heard It On/In The Grapevine
Pod People - The Games
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Random Memory Dump

This is an "easy" week at NewLife, as we have a guest speaker for the Sunday morning service. That means I've been able to help Shari Jo prep for the women's retreat she's leading this weekend - mainly by taking care of Braeden & Collin.
Speaking of Collin, he's in that "woodchuck" stage right now, where EVERYTHING looks edible to him. Braeden never really did this, but left to his own devices, Collin will attempt to chew the binding off of a board book.
The guest speaker, btw, is Allen Troxler (well, DOCTOR Allen Troxler, now)... who was the first associate pastor of the church @ hickory hollow. Spending time with him is always fun - and since he's a brilliant teacher, I end up learning a chunk whenever he does stuff like this.
Newest book in the reading queue: Sundown Towns by James Loewen. It's about the vast American heritage of towns/suburbs that practiced "racial exclusion" - in other words, these are the places that put up those "N----r, don't let the sun go down on you in ________" signs. Where my mom & dad grew up (the Ozarks), this happened in many places - and in a weird "haven't heard the name of my hometown in THAT context", he even mentions Placentia while talking about Brea's sundown status. Of course, Placentia didn't become a sundown town because it was a "Mexican" place. Again, weird. (BTW, Loewen has written two other books that ought to be required reading: Lies My Teacher Told Me and Lies Across America.)
Anyone else having odd flashbacks to the days when watching the Olympics was more like a Western movie, what with the white hats (Americans, or if we stunk in a particular sport, Australians or West Germans) and the black hats (Soviets, East Germans & Chinese)? I don't want those days back, mind you - but this is the first time it's really struck me about how much has changed in the last 30 years internationally.
One last Olympic-related comment: the new figure skating scoring system has made the pairs & men's competitions less interesting, but it's done WONDERS for ice dancing. (Hi, Charles, my ice-dancing, Settlers-winning buddy... you said you were going to call me back!)
Broken Glass

Sunday, February 19, 2006
Five & Dime: 2005 Recap
- How It All Started
- Most Played Games
- Dimes
- Nickels
- Fresh Faces
- Lo, How the Mighty Have Fallen
- Joining the "In" Crowd
Friday, February 17, 2006
Five & Dime: Wide Angle Lens (Four Year Pix)
Five & Dime: Wide Angle Lens (Five Year Pix)
Five & Dime: Wide Angle Lens (Six Year Pix)
Five & Dime: Wide Angle Lens (Seven Year Pix)
Five & Dime: Wide Angle Lens (Eight Year Pix)
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Oym Hunt

Five & Dime 2005: Joining the "In" Crowd
Game | percentage gain from 2004 |
For Sale | +23.54% |
Around the World in 80 Days (Kosmos) | +12.32% |
Jambo | +10.91% |
Fairy Tale | +10.71% |
Samurai | +8.79% |
Niagara | +8.18% |
Schotten-Totten/Battleline | +6.97% |
Blokus | +6.87% |
Titan: The Arena/Colossal Arena | +4.55% |
Reef Encounter | +4.14% |
Boggle | +4.04% |
Hamsterrolle | +4.04% |
RoboRally | +3.94% |
Torres | +3.54% |
Settlers of Catan | +3.43% |
- They were reprinted this year (For Sale, Fairy Tale, Titan the Arena, RoboRally, Torres, Reef Encounter, Battleline)
- They were "Essen" games... they were released late in 2003 in Germany and were only played 5+ times by a couple of folks in 2003 (Around the World in 80 Days, Jambo, Niagara, Reef Encounter)
The interesting games here are the ones that can not be explained by these reasons:
- Why the sudden interest in Samurai? (Great game, btw...)
- Settlers of Catan is just reclaiming some ground - it's been a solid contender on the Five & Dime lists since I started collecting them. It's also probably affected by the larger sample of gamers this year.)
- Blokus is growing in popularity each year - is this a "classic" in the making?
- Where in the heck did Boggle & Hamsterrolle come from?! (Again, both great games.)
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Five & Dime 2005: Lo, How The Mighty Have Fallen
Game | percentage loss from 2004 |
Attika | -36.26% |
St Petersburg | -32.22% |
Ticket To Ride | -29.19% |
San Juan | -24.24% |
Goa | -17.88% |
Liar's Dice/Bluff/Perudo | -16.46% |
10 Days/Europa Tour | -15.66% |
King's Breakfast | -15.45% |
Puerto Rico | -15.35% |
Alhambra | -14.24% |
Power Grid/Funkenschlag | -13.94% |
Hansa | -13.54% |
Tongiaki | -13.43% |
Flaschenteufel/Bottle Imp | -12.02% |
Santiago | -11.92% |
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Five & Dime 2005: Fresh Faces
Game | score | percentage |
Diamant | 420 | 28.79% |
Ticket To Ride: Europe | 355 | 27.78% |
Shadows Over Camelot | 325 | 27.78% |
Louis XIV | 195 | 15.15% |
Pickomino | 195 | 14.14% |
That's Life | 160 | 11.11% |
Caylus | 150 | 12.63% |
Ubongo | 135 | 9.60% |
Palazzo | 115 | 10.10% |
Tower of Babel | 105 | 10.10% |
Easy Come, Easy Go | 70 | 5.05% |
Saboteur | 65 | 4.55% |
Poison | 60 | 4.04% |
Havoc: The 100 Years War | 50 | 4.55% |
Fjords | 50 | 4.04% |
Walk the Dogs | 50 | 3.54% |
Friday, February 03, 2006
Five & Dime 2005: Nickels (5-9 Played Games)
Game | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 |
Shadows Over Camelot | 22.73% | new | new | new |
Ticket To Ride: Europe | 19.70% | new | new | new |
San Juan | 18.18% | 17.27% | new | new |
Ticket To Ride | 17.68% | 21.82% | new | new |
Ingenious | 15.66% | 11.82% | new | new |
For Sale | 15.66% | 4.55% | 7.89% | 7.69% |
Diamant | 15.15% | new | new | new |
Carcassonne | 14.14% | 16.36% | 25.00% | 10.77% |
Take 6 | 14.14% | 9.09% | 15.79% | 13.85% |
Blokus | 13.64% | 10.00% | 6.58% | 6.15% |
Lost Cities | 13.64% | 13.64% | 17.11% | 18.46% |
Settlers of Catan | 13.64% | 6.36% | 13.16% | 20.00% |
St Petersburg | 13.64% | 22.73% | new | new |
Ra | 12.63% | 14.55% | 11.84% | 12.31% |
Alhambra | 11.62% | 20.91% | 11.84% | new |
Power Grid | 11.62% | 22.73% | 5.26% | 10.77% |
Puerto Rico | 11.62% | 19.09% | 27.63% | 26.15% |
Coloretto | 10.61% | 12.73% | 21.05% | new |
Louis XIV | 10.61% | new | new | new |
Caylus | 10.10% | new | new | new |
Liar's Dice | 10.10% | 23.64% | 10.53% | 12.31% |
Through the Desert | 10.10% | 10.00% | 6.58% | 9.23% |