- Economists don't all agree on the exact definition of a recession. (reference: About.com) This, of course, would scare me if I didn't the exact same behavior with theologians (predestination & freewill) and board gamers (open & closed holdings).
- The standard "newspaper" definition of a recession is 2+ quarters (6 months) where the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) declines. (BTW, the GDP is the total value of all final goods & services produced in a particular economy." (reference: Wikipedia))
- Dave Ramsey has recently said that "the official definition of an economic recession is an economy that has negative growth, that shrinks, for six consecutive months or more." (reference: CBS News)
- A depression is when that decline is 10% or more... meaning the last depression we had in the U.S. was in the 1930's.
Now, depending on what numbers you look at, we are either in a recession (majority opinion) or not (Dave Ramsey & some other naysayers) but not in a depression. (We may, however, be depressed about our financial situation - that's a different issue.) I'll just let Dave speak for himself:
"The U.S has the most robust economy in the history of man, and it's the most sophisticated it's ever been; there are lots of checks and balances and safety nets," Ramsey explained.
He pointed out that, "The market dropped the same amount (relatively) when President Nixon resigned as it did during the Great Depression, but there were so many more safety nets in place in the 1970s that the drop didn't have the same effect. The markets dropped 511 points in minutes when the markets opened after 9/11, but there still was no crash or meltdown.
"By definition we are not in a recession," Ramsey said forcefully. "We have not even had one month of recession; we've had SLOW GROWTH. The economy was growing at (an annual rate of) 3.5 percent; now, it's at 1.5 percent, which is a big impact, but it's still growth."

- Ye Olde Parable about the blind men & the elephant
The wisdom of Homer Simpson: “Oh, people can come up with statistics to prove anything. 14% of people know that.”
Though the fig tree does not bud and there is no fruit on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will triumph in the LORD; I will rejoice in the God of my salvation! Yahweh my Lord is my strength; He makes my feet like those of a deer and enables me to walk on mountain heights! (Habakkuk 3:17-19, HCSB)