Monday, July 13, 2009

Good News on the "Bears Carrying Honey On Their Head" Front

It's official... Haba USA will be releasing the reprint of Bärenstark here in the US under the title Strong Stuff. There are some minor changes to the game, but the dexterity challenge I know & love is still there.

From the folks at Haba USA:
Great game – in fact we had so much fun with this game in February at our Toy Fair that we decided to make it in all-English packaging (unfortunately most of my retail store owners prefer the all English vs. the international packaging). So we held off on bringing the German version over here until the new all-English game was printed. My latest ETA shows that we should have it in stock and be shipping to retailers in September! The new English version is called Strong Stuff and the item number of the game is 3175 (many online retailers will allow for a search by item code).
I've written about Bärenstark before... it's #46 on the Kid Games 100. (Short version of my review: "Kapitan Wackelpudding (another odd dexterity game) for kids.")

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