This is all your fault, Game Ranch Girl!
Everything including the kitchen sink... but with special attention paid to board games, Jesus Christ, my family, being a "professional" (and I use that word loosely) Christian, and the random firing of the 10% of the synapses I'm currently using.
This is all your fault, Game Ranch Girl!
Make that 2-0.
Grrr... Susan. Why don't you just send me a package full of crack?!
Hee, hee. You're welcome :-)
Actually, this is partly YOUR fault. YOU posted about Heroscape which reminded me that I wanted to check the Hasbro website to see if I could order the elusive wave 7 boosters directly.
So there.
I saw this at Toys r' us and almost picked it up. I'm a sucker for custom dice. I think I'll try the Risk Express but they didn't have it.
As far as I can tell, Risk Express hasn't been published in English... which, frankly, is kinda weird.
This game (Monopoly Express) is similar but (THANK GOODNESS) not identical to the earlier attempt at a Monopoly dice game, "Don't Go To Jail", which might have been more appropriately named "Don't Buy This Game." Monopoly Express seems to have a bit more going for it.
Narnia Risk wasn't published for the US so it wouldn't surprise me if it doesn't come over the pond. Who can figure out the mind of Hasbro? Of course the fat cats must be doing something right.
Hmmm... all this adds to the game (as far as I can tell) is the extra house/hotel/get out of jail die. Mark, does that one tweak change your opinion of the game (which you rate a 2(!) on the Geek) that much or am I missing some more of the subtle changes, having never played Don't Go to Jail? Just curious as I almost picked up a DGTJ in a thrift shop today after enjoying Express...
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