Wednesday, May 01, 2024

#40: Mosaic: A Story of Civilization (Mark's Top 100 2024)

Mosaic: A Story of Civilization
    • rank: 707
    • rating: 7.6
    • published: 2022
    • designer: Glenn Drover
    Print Status
    • in print
    Why It's On The List
    • It's a solid civilization-building game that plays in a reasonable amount of time (roughly 30-45 minutes per player for multi-player games) and isn't overburdened by a need to pursue military buildup in order to survive and thrive.
    Tips &Tricks:
    • Balancing short-term goals (completing Golden Age & Civilization Achievement tiles) and long-term goals (scoring for Projects & Technologies) is key.
    • It's also important to remember what does (and doesn't) score at Empire scoring points. Sometimes, it's worth guaranteeing second place in a region to stay relevant in the game.
    • The game moves at a wonderful clip - since players only take one action each turn, experienced players can make the game fly while still having lots of interesting decisions to ponder.
    • Mosaic is an excellent civ-building game… and the expansion adds some great new elements (many of which can be used as modules). Multi-player games with it have been a lot of fun,,,
    • ...but I’m still unhappy with Forbidden Games for numerous mistakes they’ve made with the excellent David Turczi solo “bot”: only putting Herobotus in the Colossal edition of the base game, then not updating the solo bot with the Wars & Disasters expansion (even after printing “1-5 players” on the expansion box).
    • There is a fan-made solo version using the expansion that works... but it's a little clunky.

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