Wednesday, May 29, 2024

#12: Catan (Mark's Top 100 2024)

  • rank: 552
  • rating: 7.1
  • published: 1995
  • designer: Klaus Teuber
Print Status
  • in print
Why It's On The List
  • The game that launched the European "game" invasion... the first true "franchise" game for Kosmos & Mayfair... a game so simple & yet so innovative that it could inspire devoted play with almost any crowd. This infinitely variable game of trading & building is still a personal favorite, even when way too many gamers have left it behind.
Tips & Tricks:
  • While your first game may take 90+ minutes, it's not unusual for experienced players to knock out a game in 60 minutes or less. A lot of that depends on how quickly trading goes and how "aware" the people you're playing are - example: it doesn't matter how many times you ask for "brick", if we haven't rolled it in two rounds, it isn't there for trade. Sigh.
    • My last game of Catan was 4 player Cities & Knights... and it was over in 90 minutes! (And I won!)
  • Our local group prefers playing 5 player with the slightly larger board and the "build around" rule.


Joe Huber said...

I'm curious just what you mean by "way too many games have left it behind". Games have done many more things, certainly; it's been nearly 30 years after all. But - how have they left Settlers behind? (Though, I think for me left behind implies that a game has been largely or completely replaced for me - i.e., Akropolis has replaced Nmbr9 for me - which leads me to think that you mean something different.)

Mark (aka pastor guy) said...

"Too many GAMERS"... not games. :-)

Joe Huber said...

D'oh! Thanks, that makes far more sense. And I do have an eye checkup scheduled.